The Journal of Korean Art and Archaeology



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200-character manuscript, 75 sheets or less (including author's name, current affiliation, and position)


  • 30 or less (The name of the plate, the source of the plate, and the place of collection of relics must be listed.)
  • 3 representative plates are marked separately (to be used on the front page of the thesis)
  • Required information on the plate (author, period, material, size, collection location, etc.)
  • Original files with high resolution are recommended (for scanned files, there is a risk of image quality degradation)


  • Create a bibliography list.
  • Use footnotes only when absolutely necessary.
  • If you want to inform about citation-related information, indicate (author year, number of pages) at the end of the sentence, and include detailed bibliographic information in the bibliography.
  • Books by the same author published in the same year are separated by 'a' and 'b' next to the year.
This journal was designed to introduce the achievements of our archeology and art history to general foreign readers who do not have sufficient background knowledge on Korean culture. In consideration of this, please make it easy to solve difficult or detailed content, and use short and simple sentences as much as possible for accuracy of translation.
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