The Journal of Korean Art and Archaeology

Journal of Korean Art and Archaeology Vol. 13
Reexamination of the Inscriptions on the Maitreya and Amitabha Statues from Gamsansa Temple through Reflectance Transformation Imaging

Shin Soyeon

Associate Curator, National Museum of Korea

Kim Youngmin

Ph.D., Photographer, National Museum of Korea

Journal of Korean Art & Archaeology 2019, Vol.13 pp.104-127


Copyright & License

ⓒ 2019 National Museum of Korea, All rights reserved.
AI Abstract

The standing Maitreya and Amitabha statues from Gamsansa Temple, housed in the Buddhist Sculpture Gallery of the National Museum of Korea, are recognized as National Treasures No. 81 and No. 82. These statues are significant for Korean art and history due to their inscriptions, which clarify their creation date, commissioner, and purpose. Commissioned by Kim Jiseong in 719, the statues serve as prayers for his deceased parents. Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) was used to better decipher worn inscriptions and understand the statues' origin. The research highlighted the use of different simplified characters, potential separate carving times, and disparities in calligraphy styles. These findings, coupled with existing rubbings, aid in ensuring accurate dating and study of the statues.

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