The Journal of Korean Art and Archaeology

Journal of Korean Art and Archaeology Vol. 14
A Study of the Metalworking Techniques Manifested in the Gold Buckle from Seogam-ri Tomb No. 9

Yu Heisun

Head of Division of Conservation Science

Ro Jihyun

Curator, National Museum of Korea

Journal of Korean Art & Archaeology 2020, Vol.14 pp.92-103


Copyright & License

ⓒ 2020 National Museum of Korea, All rights reserved.
AI Abstract

The ancient gold buckle from Seogam-ri Tomb No. 9 in Korea, estimated from the first or second century, showcases advanced craftsmanship including granulation. Scientific analyses through XRF, radiography, microscopy, and SEM-EDS reveal its composition and technique. The buckle is primarily 22.8K gold, with some parts reaching 23.8K. Gold granules and wires were bonded using copper diffusion, a rare method in Korea but known in Mongolian artifacts. This, along with decorative techniques, could indicate cultural exchanges and may help determine its origin.

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